eXist-db v3.6.0

# Release Notes

## v3.6.0 - November 27, 2017

eXist-db v3.6.0 has just been released. This is a minor release, which contains several new features and bug fixes.

### Features * Switched Collation support to use ICU4j. * Implemented XQuery 3.1 UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm). Implemented map type parameters for XQuery F&O 3.1 fn:serialize. Implemented declare context item for XQuery 3.0. Implemented XQuery 3.0 Regular Expression's support for non-capturing groups. Implemented a type-safe DSL for describing and testing transactional operations upon the database. Implemented missing node kind tests in the XQuery parser when using @ on an AbbrevForwardStep. Added AspectJ support to the IntelliJ project files (IntelliJ Ultimate only). Repaired the dependencies in the NetBeans project files. Added support for Travis macOS CI. Added support for AppVeyor Windows CI. Updated third-party dependencies: Apache Commons Codec 1.11 Apache Commons Compress 1.15 Apache Commons Lang 3.7 Eclipse AspectJ 1.9.0.RC1 Eclipse Jetty 9.4.7.v20170914 EXPath HTTP Client 20171116 Java 8 Functional Utilities 1.11 JCTools 2.1.1 * XML Unit 2.4.0
### Performance Improvements Compiled XQuery cache is now multi-threaded; concurrency is now per-source. RESTXQ compiled XQuery cache is now multi-threaded; concurrency is now per-query URI. STX Templates Cache is now multithreaded. XML-RPC Server will now use Streaming and GZip compression if supported by the client; enabled in eXist's Java Admin Client. * Reduced object creation overhead in the XML-RPC Server.
### Apps The bundled applications of the Documentation, eXide, and Monex have all been updated to the latest versions.
### Bug fixes Fixed compilation for Java 9. eXist-db can now be compiled and run on Java 9. Fixed a regression with the XQuery 3.0 Arrow Operator, when it was used in a function, to call a function which is declared later in the XQuery. Fixed a regression in the Lucene Range Index where nested content should always be included for an index key, unless configured otherwise. Fixed a regression in the EXPath HTTP Client. Previously required you to specify http-version, now again defaults to 1.1. Fixed a NullPointerException in the EXPath HTTP Client when using Basic Authentication. XInclude support now correctly implements fallback if a HTTP resource cannot be accessed. Fixes a number of issues where InputStreams were not closed, which leaked file handles; particularly an issue on Windows platforms. Fixed a database shutdown issue with SymbolTable on Windows platforms. Ensured that URIs are correctly resolved in the SourceFactory on Windows platforms. No longer use a custom temp folder, instead use Java's; fixes a bug with Jetty on Windows platforms. Fixed an issue where the `EXISTHOME` path was not constructed correctly under some circumstances on Windows platforms. Fixed the return type of fn:doc to match the XQuery F&O specification. Fixed a concurrency issue in the HTTP SessionManager. Fixed a concurrency issue in caching Query results in the REST Server. Fixed a concurrency issue in caching Query results in the XML-RPC Server. Fixed the function description of util:eval-with-context. Improved error reporting when loading extension modules and EXPath packages. fn:format-number now returns correct error code: FODF1310. Fixed decimal formatting in fn:format-number. Fixed QName equality comparison error code, to correctly return XPTY0004. fn:analyze-string now adheres to XQuery Regular Expression syntax and not the wider Java Regular Expression syntax. fn:doc-available now only raises FODC0005 if the supplied URI is invalid. Fixed Font Resolution when using Apache FOP via XSL-FO extension module. Fixed a StackOverflowException in the History Trigger. Fix to ensure that only signed dependencies end-up in the WAR build.

### Backwards Compatibility

  • eXist-db v3.6.0 is backwards binary-compatible as far as v3.0, but not with earlier versions. Users who are upgrading should always consult the Upgrading Guide in the documentation.

### Downloading This Version

  • eXist-db v3.6.0 is available for download from GitHub.
  • Docker images for are available from EvolvedBinary's DockerHub.
  • Maven artifacts are available from our mvn-repo.
  • Mac users of the Homebrew package repository may acquire eXist 3.6.0 directly from there.