eXist-db 2.1 Released

We're proud to announce release 2.1 of eXist-db. Most notably, this version contains some important enhancements and bug fixes in critical areas like indexing, storage backend and query processing.

There are numerous improvements to the XQuery engine and query optimizer. XQuery error detection and reporting was refined. In combination with eXide, finding and fixing errors in XQuery code has become easier than ever. Note that 2.1 may find errors which went unnoticed in 2.0.

On the feature side, changes are mostly in bundled apps. eXide, the XQuery IDE, has been updated to 2.0. Next to a visual redesign it provides fullscreen mode, XQuery refactorings, quick fixes, code snippets, hints and much more.  See the webcast for more information.

A detailed change log can be found on the download page. eXist-db 2.1 is binary compatible with 2.0. Data files created by 2.0 can be read into 2.1.