Tips n tricks

During the last year some tips and tricks have been written. Since these were not really visible on the main page, they can be found on here

XMLprague 2011 pre-conference

On March 25th 2011, the day before the 2011 edition of the XMLPrague conference, we'll organize again an eXist-db pre-conference day/user meetup. This year we'll combine the day together with the very interesting EXPath initiative.

The program is not ready yet but it is already possible to register on the brand new website

We are looking forward meeting you (again!)


The slides from the eXist users meeting during XML Prague are finally available. Thanks to all who helped to organize this meeting. It was a great experience and very inspiring.

eXist Users Group @ XML Prague

As nearly every year, parts of the eXist team are planning to attend (XML Prague). This is certainly our favorite conference and we have used the event during the past years to meet, discuss, plan and spend some time together. It's a rather small (and affordable) conference, but you'll see all the important XML geeks hanging around there ;-) XML Prague will be even earlier this year (March 13/14).


We currently plan to organize an "eXist users group" meeting on the Friday before the main conference starts. The program will depend on the audience, so we'll need your feedback. It may just be a more or less informal meeting or we could extend it into a workshop and provide some hands-on experience.

If you plan to be at XML Prague and you are interested, please send me (wolfgang AT exist-db DOT org) an email with some details. In particular, we need to know:

  • if and at what time we could meet at the Friday (whole day, afternoon, late afternoon)
  • what your interests are: exchange ideas with other users or get some information/training on a particular topic
  • if you would like to present something to the users group, e.g. an application which is based on eXist or a development project you are working on

eXist on FLOSS weekly


eXist is the subject of FLOSS Weekly episode 97. Wolfgang had the pleasure to be interview by Randal Schwartz and Leo Laporte during their show last week:

You can also view a recording of the live video.

The eXist interview starts at about 12m:07s into the audio podcast.

NEW: A transcript of the interview is now available. It was prepared by members of the eXist user community.