Advanced Installation Methods
The eXist-db Basic Installation article describes how to install and start eXist-db for basic usage. This article explains more advanced methods of installing and running eXist, for instance for a headless (no GUI) system, running it as a service, etc.
Headless Installation
The Basic Installation of eXist-db
requires a graphical desktop. You can also install eXist on a headless (no GUI) system.
For this launch the installer from the command line, using the -console
java -jar eXist-{version}.jar -console
In console mode, the installer will prompt for several parameters (almost like the GUI version does). A dump of a sample interaction is shown below:
$ java -jar exist-installer/target/exist-installer-5.0.0-RC8-SNAPSHOT.jar Select target path [/Users/wolf/Source/trunk/eXist] /Applications/eXist/ press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay 1 Set Data Directory Please select a directory where eXist will keep its data files. On Vista and Windows 7, this should be outside the usual 'Program Files' directory: Data dir: [data] press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay 1 Set Admin Password Enter password: [] xyz Enter password: [xyz] xyz ------------------------------------------ Max memory in mb: [1024] Cache memory in mb: [128] press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay 1 [ Starting to unpack ] [ Processing package: Core (1/13) ] [ Processing package: Sources (2/13) ] [ Processing package: Apps (3/13) ] [ Processing package: bfDemos (4/13) ] [ Processing package: bfReferences (5/13) ] [ Processing package: dashboard (6/13) ] [ Processing package: demo (7/13) ] [ Processing package: doc (8/13) ] [ Processing package: eXide (9/13) ] [ Processing package: fundocs (10/13) ] [ Processing package: shared (11/13) ] [ Processing package: xsltforms (12/13) ] [ Processing package: xsltforms-demo (13/13) ] [ Unpacking finished ] [ Starting processing ] Starting process Setting admin password ... (1/1) --- Starting embedded database instance --- File lock last access timestamp: 30.12.2012 /Applications/eXist/data/dbx_dir.lck Found a stale lockfile. Trying to remove it: /Applications/eXist/data/dbx_dir.lck File lock last access timestamp: 30.12.2012 /Applications/eXist/data/journal.lck Found a stale lockfile. Trying to remove it: /Applications/eXist/data/journal.lck Dez 30, 2012 10:13:26 PM org.expath.pkg.repo.util.Logger info INFO: Create a new repository with storage: File system storage in /Applications/eXist/data/expathrepo Setting admin user password... --- Initialization complete. Shutdown embedded database instance --- [ Console installation done ]
Multi-container environments
We highly recommend configuring a docker-compose.yml
for local development or integration into multi-container environments.
# starting eXist-db docker-compose up -d # stop eXist-db docker-compose down
You can see an example configuration file below. Note that e.g.${EXIST_DATA_DIR}
can be passed from an external file, and the use of the volume
instructions. For all the available options please consult the docker compose documentation.
version: '3.6' services: exist: image: existdb/existdb:release container_name: exist ports: - 8080:8080 - 8443:8443 networks: - www volumes: - type: volume source: data target: ${EXIST_HOME}/${EXIST_DATA_DIR} - type: volume source: config target: ${EXIST_HOME}/${EXIST_CONFIG_DIR} volumes: data: driver: local name: exist-data config: driver: local name: exist-config networks: www: name: www driver: bridge
Running eXist-db as a Service
Instead of manually running the eXist-db server in a shell window, you can run it as a background service which is automatically launched during system start-up. This can be convenient, especially for servers. eXist-db continues to run even after users have logged off.
On Windows there are three identical options:
Choose Install eXist-db as Service from the eXist-db's system tray application.
Choose Install eXist-db as Service from eXist-db's entry in the Windows start menu.
Installing eXist-db as a service on Windows requires full administrator rights.
After installing eXist-db as a service, you'll find eXist-db in the list of services registered with Windows:

If your system supports systemd
you can run the service wrapper as a
non-privileged user.
Begin by creating a new user in your system which is being created specifically to run eXist-db as a service. You can do this by typing the following command:
sudo useradd --system --shell /sbin/nologin --comment "eXist-db Service Account" existdb
This command creates a new system user named "existdb" which does not need to
login in order to run a service. In order for this new system user to be able to run
eXist-db, we need to change the permission of eXist-db to match this new user. You
do so by navigating to your $EXIST_HOME
folder and typing the
following two commands:
sudo chown -R existdb:existdb .
These two commmands modify the ownership and group permissions recursively
throughout the whole eXist-db project to your new existdb system user. Now only this
user can run eXist-db. Next, navigate to the /etc/systemd/system
sub-directory. Once there, create an existdb.service file which contains the
following information at a minimum:
[Unit] Description=eXist-db Server Documentation= [Service] Type=simple User=existdb Group=existdb Environment="JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk8" Environment="JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0" ExecStart=/path/to/exist-5.0.0/bin/ [Install]
Once this file is stored in this location, you need to update permissions. Give ownership of this file to the exist user by using the following commands:
sudo chown existdb:existdb existdb.service
You can then install the existdb service, by runniung sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable existdb
If you then want to start eXist-db as a service, run sudo systemctl start existdb
Below is a list of common commands to interact with the newly created and configured service:
sudo systemctl start existdb
- Enter command to start eXist-db -
sudo systemctl stop existdb
- Enter command to stop eXist-db -
sudo systemctl enable existdb
- Enter command to enable eXist-db to automatically start running after a reboot of your system -
sudo systemctl disable existdb
- Enter commande to disable eXist-db from automatically starting after a reboot of your system -
sudo systemctl restart existdb
- Enter command to restart eXist-db -
systemctl status existdb
- Enter command to check the status of eXist-db -
- Run the following command to check systemd journal
Alternatives for scripts in the bin Directory
Included in the distribution are a number of useful .sh
Shell) and .bat
(Windows batch) programs located in the
sub-directory. Their names speak for themselves.
However, if you find that programs do not launch, you can try to manually launch them on the command-line without the scripting wrapper. This often provides useful debugging information.
To manually launch these scripts, give the following commands:
(Unix) /startup.bat
(Windows) -
Starts the included Jetty web server at port 8080. eXist runs as a web application, located at http://localhost:8080/exist/. For further options have a look at the following section about command line flags.
(Unix) /shutdown.bat
(Windows) - -p youradminpassword
Closes the running instance of eXist. If eXist has been started with
will also stop the Jetty web server. Otherwise, only the database is stopped by this call (since eXist has no control over the environment in which it is running). You should always callshutdown
before killing the server process. -
(Unix) /client.bat
(Windows) -
Use one of these scripts to launch the Java Admin Client.
Command line flags to set host, ports and configuration
There are several java tool options available to change the host, http and https port on which existdb will listen.
controls on which IP jetty binds to (default is
controls on which port jetty will listen for HTTP-requests (default is 8080)
controls on which port jetty will listen for HTTPS-requests (default is 8443)
JAVA_OPTS=' -Djetty.http.port=9999'
Example for linux/unix:
Starts the included Jetty web server at port 9999 that will only listen on the local IP eXist runs as a web application, located at