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eXist-db Documentation
Description: Version: 6.1.4 Size: 3543k Requirement: eXist-db version 6.1.4 or later Short Title: exist-documentation Package Name (URI): Author(s): eXist-db License: GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 Website: Download: exist-documentation-6.1.4.xar Download other versions: - 6.1.2
- 6.1.0
- 5.4.0
- 5.3.0
- 5.2.0
- 5.1.0
- 5.0.3
- 5.0.2
- 5.0.0
- 5.0.0-RC3
- 4.2.0
- 4.1.1
- 4.1.0
- 4.0.4
- 4.0.3
- 4.0.2
- 4.0.0
- 3.0.0
- 0.6.1
- 0.6.0
- 0.5.0
- 0.4.9
- 0.4.8
- 0.4.7
- 0.4.6
- 0.4.5
- 0.4.4
- 0.4.3
- 0.4.2
- 0.4.1
- 0.4.0
- 0.3.4
- 0.3.3
- 0.3.2
- 0.3.1
- 0.3
- 0.2.9
- 0.2.8
- 0.2.7
- 0.2.6
- 0.2.4
- 0.2.3
- 6.1.5 (Note: Requires eXist-db version 6.1.5 or later.)
Change log: 6.1.2 6.1.1 - Make compatible with eXist-db 7.x.x - #904 - by @adamretter
- urlrewrite: Rewrite article on URL Rewriting - #872 - by @wolfgangmm @marmoure @yamahito and @adamretter
- jmx: Clarify access details methods for accessing JMX over HTTP - #891- by @yamahito
- xqsuite: Flesh out docs for %test:assertXPath annotation - #902 - by @joewiz
6.1.0 - Updated for eXist-db 6.1.0
5.4.0 5.3.0 - updated validating against eXist-db XQuery engine
- documentation: refer from kwic expand matches to lucene expand fields
- Add documentation for --use-ssl flag (CLI backup)
- Update xquery.xml
- Update new range index doc to point to recent Lucene documentation
- Add pointer to range:matches in documentation of new range index
- fn:trace#1 is now supported
- Add offline mode for Xars, URL Rewrite should now use controller.xq and not controller.xql
- Tests and integration tests should be executable from both local machines and CI using just 'mvn verify
- Review documentation on HTML templating; align with new templating package and mark deprecated/removed functions
- Add some information about bounding the Cache module
- Some documentation for Connection Pooling in the SQL Module
- listings in separate files
- listings not in CDATA
5.2.0 - advanced-installation: minor improvements to the systemd steps
- backup: address inconsistencies with configuration
- docker: new article
- log4j: rewritten
- lucene: add diacritics analyzer, range query, distinct analyzers for indexing and querying
- prod_web_prox: add warning about poor default configs
- transform: improve xsl documentation
- upgrading: add instructions for installations from source
- url-rewrite: add errorhandler documentation
- webdav: rewritten
- web_proxying: add warning about body size limitations
- xqsuite: add missing annotation documentation
- xquery: indicate support of xml-to-json function, highlight func docs
- listings are now linted when building the app
- validate all articles to enforce author-ref via custom schema (experimental)
- increase docbook to 5.1
5.1.0 - lucene: add multi-value hierarchical facets
- configuration: experimental document path-locks
5.0.3 - remove newly implemented Xquery functions from list of unsupported functions
5.0.2 - improve advanced installations and backup restore instructions
- document the @min attribute for lucene queries
- improve permission settings documentation
5.0.0 - changes to backup and app restore process
- add unit and integration tests
- update interapp links, http links, section IDs
- document new xquery functions, and adjust deprecated syntax cases
- add lucene facets documentation
- switched to mavenized build, and install instructions