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A module for performing XSL-FO transformations


xslfo:render($document as node(), $mime-type as xs:string, $parameters as node()?) as xs:base64Binary?

Renders a given FO document. Returns an xs:base64binary of the result. Parameters are specified with the structure: <parameters><param name="param-name1" value="param-value1"/></parameters>. Recognised rendering parameters are: author, title, keywords and dpi. URL's in the FO can be resolved from: http, https, file and exist URI schemes. If you wish to access a resource in the local database then the URI 'exist://localhost/db' refers to the root collection.

$document FO document
$mime-type $mime-type
$parameters? parameters for the transform
xs:base64Binary? : result


xslfo:render($document as node(), $mime-type as xs:string, $parameters as node()?, $config-file as node()?) as xs:base64Binary?

Renders a given FO document. Returns an xs:base64binary of the result. Parameters are specified with the structure: <parameters><param name="param-name1" value="param-value1"/></parameters>. Recognised rendering parameters are: author, title, keywords and dpi. URL's in the FO can be resolved from: http, https, file and exist URI schemes. If you wish to access a resource in the local database then the URI 'exist://localhost/db' refers to the root collection.

$document FO document
$mime-type $mime-type
$parameters? parameters for the transform
$config-file? FOP Processor Configuration file
xs:base64Binary? : result